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The Fresh Look Panelist

Yes, it's about a new take or a review. No, it's not about beauty (as much as i'd love that). I thought it'd be great to have a review panel alongside my recipes since I will be moving houses and buying everything from scratch. Not only will this help others in what they intend to purchase but I feel it's a way where we all could collaborate with our opinions on one panel.

I am gathering up my stash of kitchen goodies which is what I intend to start with, and once I move in, I hope to start using everything and in course reviewing it all. I don't think of myself as an extravagant shopper, yes I do love quality and the rest of it, but I love my retro kitsch looks too. I am an average shopper, I don't say no to an extravagant gift or two but you will find that I don't always intend to spend a lot on kitchen gadgetry at the moment. Subject to possible changes in the unforeseen future. Of course.
I like to grab what I can at the best possible price. Who doesn't love a bargain?
 Reviews as such can be found on the 'Review' section on the right hand side. : )

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